Monday, February 25, 2013

oscars 2013: my personal best dressed list

So I was originally going to do this on twitter, but I couldn't fit under the character limit for just about ANY of my here are my picks for best dressed EVERYTHING at the Oscars (I had to come back and change this after my post got a little out of hand..warning you now it's rather long haha). Before I begin, I will say that I thought the Oscar fashion this year was absolute and all around glamour. The Oscars are always my favorite awards show (and I do love me some awards shows) because I have an obsession with film (its art form, history, messages, complexity, and of course, the stars... so basically everything!). Mix that with fashion, musical performances, and acceptance speeches and you will find me glued to my television for about 6 hours (give or take with pre-shows/after-shows). So you may think I'm crazy, but I just love every minute of it. My mom and I are already starting to plan our Oscar 2014 that gives you an idea of our love for this evening ;)

So back to my best dressed list...obviously everyone's is different and people have individual tastes in style and color. That could be one of the greatest things about fashion..but that's another blog, another time. Without further ado, let's allow the dresses to speak for themselves:

follow the jump to get started...

Friday, February 22, 2013

all wrapped up (recipe)

Lately I have been crazyyy about wraps. Ever since I found 100% whole wheat tortilla shells, it's been a go-to lunch or dinner during the week especially. Add some fruit on the side or a glass of orange juice (also one of my favorite things ever!)... and you've got a healthy (and delicious) lunch! Here are two quick and super easy recipes of wraps I've been loving the most :)

Tuna Wrap
-1/2 can of tuna. *Note! I have been making mine with 0% fat greek yogurt...much healthier than mayo, and I think it tastes just as good (if not better!)
-Handful of spinach leaves
-Feta cheese

Peanut Butter Banana Wrap: not sure you need a recipe for this one, but its so yummy!
-1 banana, sliced
-peanut butter

I definitely have the tuna one more often, and I am currently trying canned salmon too..definitely helps when you're without a kitchen :) xoxo

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

eating clean: a lifestyle

Hello and welcome to my new and improved blog. Actually, it's not really improved..just new. But I welcome you regardless. I don't really expect anyone to care about what I eat or wear or do with my free time, but that's why it's a can choose to read it..or don't, whatever :P I thought I would start out with a few of the foods I can't get enough of lately.

For about a month now, I have really been trying to eat clean, which is not a diet..but a lifestyle choice. If you haven't heard of it, basically it means you are choosing to eat whole, unrefined foods (more specific info here). Not to say that I eat 100% clean by any means, but it's something I enjoy trying to do as much as possible.

That being said, I have had to find ways to make yummy meals without a kitchen, but I have to say I have found a lot of good recipes and tips for eating clean. I am probably going to post different things as I make them, but lately I can't get enough fruit and spinach. I'm completely obsessed with smoothies, and I basically put spinach in everything. Before you totally write it off, try might like it ;) Recipes coming soon! xoxo